Hackney Unites is proud to be organising Dalston People’s Festival, which celebrates the diverse wonders of Dalston. However, we are actively promoting community organisation across the borough. Whether it is neighbourhood planning, controlled parking zones, unemployment, bad landlords, or poor working conditions. Over the last three years we have found that the best way to find solutions to problems is to organise a collective voice within the community. For many in our communities, particularly our youth, opportunities seem to be disappearing. But we have found that by bringing communities together, not only can we have some fun, but we can begin to find the power to effect positive change. The Dalston People’s Festival runs from 13 – 20 July, and we need to recruit 25 community stewards to assist on the afternoon of 13 July. If you would like to help out, please register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/dpfstewards, if you or your group would like to stage an event during the week, please email us: info@hackneyunites.org.uk.